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SFB 953 Symposia 2023
Second Erlangen Sympoium of Women in Science – June 18-20, 2023
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Erlangen Symposium of Women in Science
This symposium focuses solely on the incredible contributions of women to the field of Chemistry, from diverse specialties such as organic chemistry, surface and materials science, and photochemistry, among many others. Top notch female scientists from all over the world will be gathering at FAU in mid-June to present their scientific achievements and to share challenges that led to their success in academia and industry. We invite you to view our exciting 2023 line up of invited speakers and preliminary program, and importantly, to register for the conference as an attendee or submit an abstract to present your research. We look forward to seeing you at FAU in June.
Registration for the Women in Science – 2nd Erlangen Symposium 2023 is now open!
More Information see also: Women in Science Homepage
6th Erlangen Symposium on Synthetic Carbon Allotropes – October 8-10, 2023
takes place from October 8th – October 10th, 2023 at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen
Synthetic carbon allotropes such as fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and graphene represent one of the most promising materials families with enormous potential for high-performance applications in the fields of nanoelectronics, optoelectonics, hydrogen storage, sensors and reinforcements of polymers based on their unprecedented electronic, optical, mechanical and chemical properties. At the same time they are ideal targets for investigating fundamental chemical and physical questions such as shape- and charge-dependent binding and release of molecules, charge transport in confined spaces and superior sensing of supramolecular interactions.
The 6th Erlangen Symposium on Synthetic Carbon Allotropes represents a platform where national and international experts present the recent developments in the field.
The pre-annoncement flyer for the 6th Erlangen Symposium on Synthetic Carbon Allotropes can be downloaded via the following link:
Pre-Announcement Flyer_SCA Symposium 2023