Talks, Seminars, Symposia
SFB 953 Talks
In addition to the regular seminars held to ensure exchange across all disciplines involved in the SFB 953, talks by foreign researchers are hosted to build bridges between international research teams and further improve the scientific impact and outreach of the research group.
In order to assist our doctoral students in successfully completing their doctoral theses, and to further enhance the qualifications of our young scientists for their future careers (be it in academics or elsewhere), we are organizing workshops dedicated to the topics of industrial economics, leadership competencies, laboratory and quality management, as well as early career support.
SFB 953 & F3G Gender and Diversity Workshops
In collaboration with the “Forschungsverbünde der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg zur Förderung der Gleichstellung“ (F3G) the Collaborative Research Centre SFB 953 „Synthetic Carbon Allotropes“ hosts every year numerous events, symposia and workshops to support and promote gender equality within the field of the natural sciences at the FAU.